Tips to ensure fire safety : Новости
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Tips to ensure fire safety
01.12.2016 Story Submitted By Madison Fire Dept.

Madison Fire Rescue and all the fire services in Madison County are committed to helping city and county residents of Madison with preventing accidental fires and also with educating them about the importance of having working smoke alarms in the home. They also help educate children at their schools and show them what to know and do if there is a fire in the home.

The community can help by allowing fire departments to install smoke alarms in their homes, when they are available. Attending community events, especially where fire departments are present and asking firefighters any questions about fire safety are other ways the community can help.

Fire departments realize they can not always be there when something happens so it is important for residents to know how to help keep themselves safe.

Always call 9-1-1 when any fire happens in a home, even if you are able to put it out yourself! Firefighters are trained to investigate and explore a fire area to ensure a fire is completely out and not just knocked down and still smoldering.

Do not use a fire extinguisher on a kitchen grease fire! The pressurized gas and powder will blast the burning material out of a pan and may scatter it all over the stove and wall!

The best way to extinguish a grease fire is to put a lid on or cover the pan to smother the fire. Once the fire is contained turn off the heat. Do not remove the pan or uncover it until the pan has cooled!

The very best way to not have a fire is by never leaving anything frying or cooking unattended on the stove!

If in doubt get everyone out and stay out! Call 9-1-1 from outside!

Close the door when leaving to minimize fire growth!

Remember that fire is everyonеs fight!

Any group(s) that would like to have someone come out and speak about any fire safety topic, or similar topics, please contact Fire Chief Bruce Jordan at (850) 253-5117 or email


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